What to Do When Changes within Your Office Lead to Worry and Fear

What to Do When Changes within Your Office Lead to Worry and Fear

Any wise businessperson knows that change is necessary if they want to grow their business, yet as they stay in business longer they may find it harder and harder to change. This is true not only of those in leadership positions but those throughout the organization at every level. Why is this? In short, it is because people prefer the devil they know over the devil they don’t know.

Even if they come to believe that there are software services out there that can truly help their business, they assume that the time it takes to learn it will be wasted time. They think it is easier to just stick with what they know. As a leader, it is up to you to find ways to reduce this worry and fear that may come when you decide to upgrade to JDIO. Read on for our best tips and then contact ECL Software at 800-625-5972 with any questions.

Understand That Change Comes in Stages

First, give your employees a break and remind yourself that change comes in stages – it does not happen overnight. Your staff may first feel annoyed that they have to deal with the change. Then they may be worried that they will not be able to learn how to use it quickly. Their feelings may change as time goes on but you can count on those feelings coming in stages.

Remember That the Key is Communication

While you cannot prevent your employees from having a reaction to the changes you are bringing, you can help make it as easy as possible. One of the important parts of that is honestly communicating with them about what is coming up. Give them as much information as you can so that they know what to expect. Get input from people and listen to their concerns. Talk to everyone you can to find out what their concerns are and how you can address them.

Encourage Flexibility

If your main way of dealing with these changes with your employees is focusing on the specific change that is being made now, you may be able to help this issue but you will not be setting them up for future change. Instead of focusing on why it is important for them to adapt to this particular change, focus on reminding them that you appreciate their flexibility.

Call Us Today for a Free Demo

If you are interested in how our unique programs and services can help change your company and the way you do business, contact ECL Software at 800-625-5972 to request a free demo. We are happy to give you the information you need to make the right decision for your company.