CREF Multifamily Housing Convention

ECL is participating in the annual MBA’s CREF Multifamily Housing Convention from Feb 11, to Feb 14th held in Marriott Marquis, San Diego, booth # 113. We are also doing a demo of our Fund Control solution on Tuesday February 13th at 12:45 pm For more info visit:

3 Places to Look for Savings as Construction Labor Costs Rise

Builders can counterbalance rising labor costs by using the right software to save in other areas. Per data from the US Commerce Department, Mexican-born construction workers simply aren’t coming to the US in the numbers they once did. As recently as 2007, we had 1.89 million Mexican-born construction workers; last year there were just 1.32 […]

August Construction Starts Drop

Though new construction starts were down in August, experts still predict an overall expansion for 2015. Builders, lenders, and other companies involved in the construction industry tend to monitor new construction starts almost religiously in an effort to gauge the health of this sector and predict the future of their business. Of course this is […]

Dip in New Home Sales: Hiccup or Warning for the Housing Market?

June’s drop in new home sales contrasts sharply with an increase in new home starts but is this a cause for concern? As of June, sales of new single family homes dipped by 6.8 percent to the lowest rate in 7 months, resulting in much speculation as to what the future holds for the housing […]

Single Family Rents are Soaring in These 13 Cities

You’ll be surprised which two Midwest cities top the list. Earlier this year, many experts predicted that landlords would raise rents in response to continued demand for rental housing among various demographic groups who either cannot afford to or do not want to purchase their own homes. These predictions have proven accurate, with some especially […]

Multifamily Units Fuel Increase in Home Construction Starts for June

Demand for apartments and condos behind recent jump in new home starts for June According to the latest data from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, nationwide housing starts were up 9.8 percent as of June. Though single-family starts were down slightly, a substantial increase of 29.4 percent in the multifamily construction sector […]

Why Spend Your “Change the Bank” Budget at ECL

Our fund control software suite for banks can help you meet multiple goals in a cost-effective manner. According to industry experts, regulatory changes in 2015 have forced many banks to reconsider the way they do business. Specifically, banks are looking for ways to cut the fat from their operations in order to help cover the […]

Deere Reports Growth in Construction Equipment Sales

Uptick in equipment sales is another indicator the market is ripe for growth. You probably associate the John Deere brand more with tractors and farm equipment than with construction equipment. But in reality machines like backhoes, excavators, and other construction equipment make up a significant segment of the company’s business. In fact, Deere has reported […]

Shadow Banks Poised to Take Billions from Traditional Lenders

Protect your bottom line by streamlining your processes with our Fund Control software According to analysts from Goldman Sachs, traditional lenders stand to lose at least $11 billion in annual profits as a new generation of “shadow banks” creates more competition in the marketplace. Shadow banks include many different kinds of non-bank lenders, including asset […]

Demographic Shift Reveals Possible Home Building Market Opportunity

An increase in single-person households could lead to increased demand for small homes. The housing market in America is actually amazingly quick to respond to changes in demand. You only have to consider the uptick in multi-family housing construction in the years following the Great Recession to see a perfect example of this adaptability. However, […]

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